GoCo is a flexible, all-in-one HR solution that makes it easy to automate and streamline all your HR, from hiring and onboarding to benefits, payroll, and more. GoCo's mission is to help businesses spend less time on manual, painful, and complex HR tasks, so they can focus on growing happier, more productive teams.

Greenhouse Recruiting's integration with GoCo syncs candidates and candidate data from Greenhouse Recruiting to GoCo when the candidate is hired by utilizing a recipe in Workato, an IPaaS.

Enable the Greenhouse Recruiting / GoCo Integration

In GoCo, click on Marketplace either in the main navigation or on your company page.

Find Greenhouse by clicking on Applicant Tracking.

Click Add.

Screenshot of Add button

Here you will see any recipes available for this integration.

Click Use This Recipe for the recipe titled "Sync candidate to GoCo when candidate stage is changed to hired."

Screenshot of Use this recipe button

Click Use this Recipe again.

Click Test recipe or Edit your recipe before testing.

Screenshot of Test recipe button

Here you will resolve any red highlighted items and test the recipe.

Screenshot of red highlighted items button

In order to resolve the red highlighted items, you'll need to generate a Harvest API key and webhook in Greenhouse Recruiting by following the steps below.

Configure setup permissions in Greenhouse Recruiting

To configure the Greenhouse Recruiting / GoCo integration, you'll need the developer permissions 'Can manage and configure web hooks' and 'Can manage ALL organization's API Credentials.'

To assign this permission, find a Greenhouse Recruiting user in your organization with Site Admin permission and the user-specific permission 'Can edit another user's advanced permissions' to update your account.

The Site Admin can update your permissions by navigating to your user page. They'll need to click the Configure icon Configure icon > Users > Your Name.

Screenshot of Configure > Users

The Site Admin should scroll to the User-Specific Permissions panel on your user page and expand the Developer Permissions dropdown menu.

Select Can manage and configure web hooks and Can manage ALL organization's API credentials in the Developer Permissions section and click Save.

Screenshot of Can manage ALL organization's API credentials and can manage and create web hooks permissions

Repeat as necessary for any other user that needs to set up the integration.

Create a Harvest API key for the Greenhouse Recruiting / GoCo integration

Note: To generate an API key, you must have the developer permission Can manage ALL organization's API Credentials.

Click on the Configure icon Configure icon and select Dev Center on the left.

Screenshot of Configure > Dev Center

Select API Credential Management in the Dev Center.

Screenshot of Dev Center > API Credential Management button

Click Create New API Key to generate the API key for GoCo.

Screenshot of Create new API key button

In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: Optional
  • Description: GoCo Harvest API Key

Click Manage Permissions.

Screenshot of Manage permissions on Create new API key

Click Copy to save your API key to your clipboard. Store the API key in a secure location to provide to GoCo in the next step.

Click I have stored the API Key once you have copied and saved the key.

Screenshot of Copy button and confirm that you have stored the API key button

Note: You won't be able to view the API key after clicking I have stored the API Key. If you lose your API key or need to access it later, you'll need to generate a new key and provide it to GoCo.

On the Manage Permissions page, check the checkbox next to Select All.

When finished, click Save.

Your Harvest API key for the Greenhouse Recruiting / GoCo integration is created and configured.

You may now enter it in GoCo's Integration Builder.

To do this, click on the step of the recipe with the Warning iconicon.

Screenshot showing GoCo's warning icon on a recipe

Enter the following details in GoCo's Integration Builder:

  • Connection name: Enter a name of your choice
  • API key: Paste the key that was generated from Greenhouse Recruiting
  • User email: Insert the email address of the user who generated the API key in Greenhouse Recruiting
  • Environment: Production

Screenshot showing a successful setup in GoCo

Once the connection is successful, click on it beneath the Active Connections.

Save the recipe.

Screenshot of Save the recipe in GoCo

Create a webhook for the Greenhouse Recruiting / GoCo Integration

Note: Before you can create the webhook for this integration, the recipe must be started.

To create the webhook needed for the integration, click the Configure icon Configure icon on your navigation bar, then click Dev Center on the left.

Screenshot of Configure > Dev Center

Click Web Hooks on the Dev Center. Click Web Hooks again on the next page.

Screenshot of Dev Center > Web hooks button

Enter the following information to configure a new webhook:

  • Name: A descriptive name for your integration. Most customers choose GoCo Integration
  • When: The time that the event will be sent to GoCo. Select 'Candidate has been hired.'
  • Endpoint URL: This is acquired from step 1 on GoCo's Integration Builder – the trigger in the recipe. See screenshot below:

Screenshot of an example web hook endpoint shown on GoCo Integration Builder

  • Secret key: You can use 123.

When you're finished, click Create Web hook.

Screenshot of Create web hook button

Note: Ensure that Disabled? is set to No or the webhook will not work.

Your Greenhouse Recruiting account and GoCo account can now communicate with each other in-real-time through web hooks. You may now enter the integration in GoCo's Integration Builder!

Screenshot of setup in GoCo integration

Use the GoCo integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

To use the GoCo integration with Greenhouse Recruiting, simply change a candidate's status in Greenhouse Recruiting to Hired.

Screenshot of Mark candidate as hired button in Greenhouse Recruiting

Almost instantly, the employee will appear in GoCo showing that they were imported from Greenhouse Recruiting!

Screenshot of a synced candidate in GoCo

Add candidate notes on Greenhouse Recruiting Activity Feed (optional)

Screenshot of example note on candidate Activity Feed in Greenhouse Recruiting

If you'd like candidate notes like the one above to appear in Greenhouse Recruiting, complete the following steps:

  1. Stop the Recipe in GoCo.
  2. Edit the Recipe.
  3. Click on Step 2 (the first Action).

Screenshot of editing an action on a recipe in GoCo

4. Insert a valid Greenhouse user email address

Screenshot of editing an action on a recipe in GoCo

5. Save and exit.

6. Start Recipe!

What data is synced?

Greenhouse Recruiting


First Name →

First Name

Last Name →

Last Name

Personal email →

Personal Email Address

Mobile phone →

Personal Phone Number

Candidate Documents / Offer Documents →


Office →


Department →


Starts At (offer) →

Start Date

Employment Type → (offer custom field)

Employment Type

job_title → (offer custom field)

Job Title

Note: Department and Office fields only export to GoCo if the values between Greenhouse and GoCo are the same. If you want to capture the Job Title, it must be created as an offer custom field & input into the offer details.

Sync job title

To sync the job title to GoCo, you'll need to create a custom offer field in Greenhouse Recruiting.

Click the Configure icon Configure icon on your navigation bar, then select Custom Options on the left.

Click Offers.

Click Add Field, and enter the following details:

  • Field Name: Job Title
  • Field Type: Short Textbox

When completing the Offer Details on a new hire, fill in the job title.

Screenshot of completing Offer Details on a new hire

Note: The job title must exist in GoCo and match exactly.

Required fields

The only fields required for the sync in Greenhouse Recruiting are First Name and Last Name.

After using the integration, you may decide you want to share more info between Greenhouse Recruiting and GoCo. If you would like additional information transferred over, please reach out to GoCo's Customer Success team with a list of items to add!

Duplicate prevention

The recipe looks for matches in Candidate First Name + Last Name and if a match is found, the sync won't occur.

Error handling

If the sync was not successful, a note will be added to the Activity Feed in Greenhouse Recruiting. This note will explain why the sync failed and how to fix it.

Additional resources

For additional information not covered here, reach out to GoCo through their Contact page.