ModernLoop builds the best schedule for your candidate interviews by syncing your team’s calendars, comparing interviewers based on availability, timezone, work hours, interview load and more to find the perfect schedule.

Greenhouse Recruiting's integration with ModernLoop uses the Harvest API to do the following:

  • Sync candidate information between Greenhouse and ModernLoop
  • Seamless navigation between the candidate profile in Greenhouse and the candidate profile in ModernLoop
  • Import candidate availability requested through Greenhouse's Request Availability feature
  • Import jobs, job stages, scorecards, and interview plans
  • Post communications sent from ModernLoop to the Greenhouse activity feed

Configure setup permissions in Greenhouse Recruiting

To configure the Greenhouse Recruiting / ModernLoop integration, you’ll need the developer permission Can manage ALL organization’s API Credentials.

To assign this permission, find a Greenhouse Recruiting user in your organization with Site Admin permission and the user-specific permission Can edit another user's advanced permissions to update your account.

The Site Admin can update your permissions by navigating to your user page. Select Configure icon  > Users > Your Name.

The Site Admin should scroll to the User-Specific Permissions panel on your user page and expand the Developer Permissions dropdown menu.

Select Can manage ALL organization’s API credentials in the Developer Permissions section and click Save.

Repeat as necessary for any other user that needs to set up the integration.

Create a Harvest API key for the Greenhouse Recruiting / ModernLoop integration

Note: To generate an API key, you must have the developer permission Can manage ALL organization's API Credentials.

Click on the Configure icon  and select Dev Center on the left.

Select API Credential Management in the Dev Center.

From the API Credential Management page, click Create New API Key to generate the API key for ModernLoop.

In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: (optional)
  • Description: ModernLoop Harvest API Key

Click Manage Permissions.

Click Copy to save your API key to your clipboard. Store the API key in a secure location to provide to ModernLoop in the next step.

Click I have stored the API Key once you have copied and saved the key.

Note: You won’t be able to view the API key after clicking I have stored the API Key. If you lose your API key or need to access it later, you’ll need to generate a new key and provide it to ModernLoop.

Select the checkboxes next to each permission box to associate it with the API key.

The following permissions are needed for the ModernLoop integration:


  • POST: Advance Application
  • POST: Move Application

Activity Feed

  • GET: Retrieve Activity Feed


  • GET: Retrieve Application
  • GET: List Applications


  • GET: Retrieve Candidate
  • GET: List Candidates
  • POST: Add Note
  • POST: Add E-mail
  • PATCH: Edit Candidate


  • GET: Retrieve Department
  • GET: List Departments

Email Templates

  • GET: Retrieve Email Template
  • GET: List Email Templates

Job Openings

  • GET: List Openings For a Job

Job Posts

  • GET: List Job Posts
  • GET: Retrieve Job Post for Job
  • GET: List Job Posts for Job

Job Stages

  • GET: Retrieve Job Stage
  • GET: List Job Stages
  • GET: List Job Stages for Job


  • GET: Retrieve Job
  • GET: List Jobs
  • PATCH: Update Job
  • POST: Create a new job
  • GET: Get hiring team
  • POST: Add hiring team member
  • DELETE: Remove hiring team member
  • PUT: Replace hiring team


  • GET: Retrieve Office
  • GET: List Offices

Scheduled Interviews

  • GET: List Interviews for Application
  • GET: Retrieve Interview
  • GET: List Interviewers
  • DELETE: Delete a scheduled interview
  • POST: Create a scheduled interview
  • PATCH: Update a scheduled interview


  • GET: List Sources


  • GET: List tags applied to candidate
  • GET: List Candidate Tags

User Roles

  • GET: List User Roles


  • GET: Retrieve User
  • GET: List Users
  • GET: List User Job Permissions
  • GET: List User Future Job Permissions

When you finish, click Save.

Your Harvest API key for the Greenhouse Recruiting / ModernLoop integration is created and configured.

Provide the Harvest API Key to ModernLoop

Navigate to the following URL:

From the Applicant Tracking System section, select Connect to the right of Greenhouse.

Add the API Key and subdomain.

Click Save.

Use the ModernLoop integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

Use the following steps to download the ModernLoop Chrome plugin:

  1. Log into ModernLoop Account Preferences:
  2. Select the Integrations tab
  3. Click Install below Chrome Extension
  4. Return to Greenhouse Recruiting and refresh on any candidate’s page

Greenhouse candidate information syncs to the candidate profile in ModernLoop

Candidate details such as the hiring team, job, and job stage sync from Greenhouse to the Candidate Profile in ModernLoop. Easily navigate to the candidate's page in Greenhouse with the click of a button.

Candidate availability syncs from Greenhouse Recruiting to ModernLoop

Candidate-provided availability through Greenhouse's Request Availability feature is automatically synced to the job/stage of the candidate, allowing you to quickly generate an optimal schedule.

Job setup syncs from Greenhouse Recruiting to ModernLoop

ModernLoop automatically populates the interviews within the job stage indicated by Greenhouse. Associated interview length and scorecard sync to the Setup in ModernLoop.

Sync candidate communications and notes with Greenhouse Recruiting

Communications sent to the candidate through ModernLoop are posted to the candidate's Activity Feed. Notes of actions taken in ModernLoop such as interviews and debriefs scheduled are posted back to the Activity Feed.

Additional resources

For additional information not covered here, please reach out to