One-to-one and many-to-one job relationship for HRIS integrations

This article outlines how the staffing model of your organization's HRIS can be integrated with Greenhouse Recruiting, and to help you determine the best configuration for your organization.

What is a Greenhouse Recruiting job?

In Greenhouse Recruiting, a job entails more than just the job details that come over from your HRIS.

Each job can have multiple openings or seats to fill. Each job represents a single candidate pipeline, interview plan, scorecards, hiring team, approvals, and more – everything you can access from the left panel on the Job Setup page.


When a recruiter is ready to hire a candidate on a job, the candidate is hired into an opening. A Greenhouse Recruiting job must have one or more open openings (see Job > Job Info) in order to hire a candidate on the job:


Upon clicking Mark Candidate as Hired, if the job has more than one open opening, Greenhouse Recruiting prompts you to select an opening to hire the candidate against.


Import positions from the HRIS with a one-to-one relationship

If your HRIS does not have the ability to tie multiple openings or positions together under an overarching requisition, you must import each opening from the HRIS as a distinct Greenhouse Recruiting job (one HRIS opening/position to one Greenhouse Recruiting job). Every new opening in your HRIS will push over to Greenhouse Recruiting as a new Greenhouse Recruiting job with a single opening (with its own interview plan, scorecard, job post, and so on). This means each hire in Greenhouse Recruiting must be associated with their own job; it will not be possible to hire multiple candidates onto the same job.

Import job requisitions from the HRIS with a many-to-one relationship

If your HRIS does have the ability to tie multiple openings or positions together under an overarching requisition, you can represent a many-to-one relationship with Greenhouse Recruiting jobs (multiple HRIS openings/positions to one Greenhouse Recruiting job). A new requisition with multiple openings or positions in your HRIS will push over to Greenhouse Recruiting as one Greenhouse Recruiting job with multiple openings. Each opening or position in your HRIS will be associated with an opening that sits below an overarching Greenhouse job, and it will be possible to hire multiple candidates onto distinct openings that fall under the same job.

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