Purpose Jobs is the #1 startup community in the Midwest that connects top talent with purpose-driven startups based on values, experience, and cultural contribution.
Greenhouse Recruiting’s integration with purpose.jobs exports candidates directly to jobs in Greenhouse Recruiting. You can source, access, engage, and track candidates exported from your Purpose Jobs account using this integration.
Create a partner API key for the Greenhouse Recruiting/purpose.jobs integration
To integrate with Purpose Jobs, you’ll need to create an Ingestion API key and provide it to Purpose Jobs.
Follow the steps in this article for more information on creating an Ingestion API Key. Once the key is created, provide it to Purpose Jobs so they can set up the integration with Greenhouse Recruiting.
Provide the Ingestion API key to Purpose Jobs
Log into purpose.jobs.
Navigate to Account Settings in the bottom left-hand panel, and select Integrations from the list.
Paste the API Key from Greenhouse into the API Key field.
Enter your email address and click Add Integration.
Use the Purpose Jobs integration with Greenhouse Recruiting
Locate the candidate profile in Purpose Jobs, then click the up arrow on the Share button.
Select Send to Greenhouse to send the candidate's information to Greenhouse Recruiting.
Once you’ve successfully exported the candidate, you’ll see a confirmation of success in the upper right-hand corner of the page in purpose.jobs:
In Greenhouse, select CRM at the top of your homepage dashboard.
Scroll down to Prospects Without a Pool and select Review Prospects.
Select Convert to Candidate.
Next, select the Job and Initial Stage from the dropdown. Click Save and Next when done.
The Source is Purpose Jobs on the Candidate profile, and the candidate is credited to the user who exported their profile.
You can now interact with the candidate profile as you typically would within Greenhouse, and move them through your interview plan accordingly!
Additional resources
Contact support@purpose.jobs for troubleshooting assistance regarding the integration.