EMP Trust's onboarding portal allows new hires to easily learn about your company culture, complete all required paperwork, understand HR policies, sign up for benefits, understand all required tasks, view training and orientation schedules and be ready for work from day one.

EMP Trust's integration with Greenhouse Recruiting allows users to seamlessly trigger an EMP Trust HR invite as soon as a candidate is marked as hired.

Set up the EMP Trust HR integration

Create a Harvest API key

To configure the EMP Trust HR integration, you'll need to create a Harvest API key.

Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the permissions below are selected when configuring the EMP Trust HR integration.


In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API type: Harvest
  • Partner: EMP Trust HR
  • Description: EMP Trust HR Harvest API key


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the EMP Trust HR integration:


  • GET: Retrieve Job
  • GET: List Jobs


  • GET: Retrieve User

When finished, click Save.

Your Harvest API key is created and configured. Copy the key to provide to EMP Trust HR in a later step.

Create a webhook

Next, you’ll need to create two webhooks for the EMP Trust HR integration. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhook.

Use the values listed below to configure the webhooks:

Web hook #1

  • Name: EMP Trust HR - Greenhouse integration
  • When: Candidate has been hired
  • Endpoint URL: The Endpoint URL provided by EMP Trust HR
    • Example: https://{server_address}/WebApi/greenhouse/ {Unique_Code}
  • Secret Key: The Secret Key provided by EMP Trust HR 

Web hook #2

  • Name: EMP Trust HR - Greenhouse integration
  • When: Candidate or Prospect Rejected
  • Endpoint URL: The Endpoint URL provided by EMP Trust HR
    • Example: http://{server_address}WebApi/greenhouse/Termination/{Unique_Code}
  • Secret Key: The Secret Key provided by EMP Trust HR 

When finished, click Save.

Your webhooks for the EMP Trust HR are created and configured.

Provide your API credentials to EMP Trust HR and finish setup

To complete integration setup, you'll need to add your created Harvest API key credentials to EMP Trust HR.

Once your API key is created, and copied, navigate to EMP Trust HR and Log in.

Note: You must log into your EMP Trust HR production account as a user with Admin privileges.

Navigate to System Settings and then, click Partner Integrations from the right-hand menu panel. 

EMP Trust HR partner integrations.png

On the following screen, paste your Harvest API Key into the Greenhouse field indicated and then, click Configure.

Greenhouse Harvest API key.png

Save when finished. The EMP Trust HR integration is configured and ready for use.

EMP Trust HR will review the connection configurations after setup confirmation.

Use the EMP Trust HR integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

Once the EMP Trust HR integration is enabled, EMP Trust will fetch new hire details automatically every 4 hours through 4 API’s and sync these with the application when an employee accepts the offer letter from Greenhouse and is marked as hired

The integration will process your hired candidates and automatically trigger either the Form I-9 invite or the Onboarding task (depending on the workflow chosen) as it picks up hired candidate records with the required field.

Note: If your organization is interested in any additional customization, please reach out to the EMP Trust HR Customer Success Team.

After using the integration, you may decide you want to share more info between Greenhouse Recruiting and EMP Trust HR.

Additional information for Processing Employee Data webhook

By making use of this webhook, the details of the hired employee will be posted to EMP Trust.

Before initiating this process, Greenhouse will ping to the webhook URL provided by EMP Trust and if Greenhouse receives a successful response, the webhook gets registered in Greenhouse.

Authentication methods have been added to validate if the webhook containing the employee data was indeed being sent to EMP Trust from Greenhouse.

  • Based on the presence of signature given in the header while posting the employee details by Greenhouse, there are 2 possible outcomes which occur due to the authentication checking:
    1. If the webhook facility is enabled and signature is not present in the header, or the webhook secret key is not configured in the partner Integrations page of EMP Trust, then the checking is based on the Unique Code.
    2. If the webhook facility is enabled, signature is available in header and webhook secret key is saved in partner integration, then the signature is validated in EMP Trust HR application by using the SHA256 algorithm by computing the body that is given and the secret key.
    3. If the generated signature matches with the signature in the header that was sent by Greenhouse, then the details of the candidates are synced and one can be sure the webhook was sent from Greenhouse.

The following data is then saved in EMP trust (after the webhook validation is successful:

  • a) offerId
  • b) startDate
  • c) applicationId
  • d) candidateId
  • e) OfferStatus
  • f) customerId

Additional information for Employee Terminations webhook

By making use of this webhook, the details of the terminated employee would be posted to EMP Trust.

Before initiating this process, Greenhouse will ping to the webhook URL provided by EMP Trust and if Greenhouse receives a successful response, the webhook gets registered in Greenhouse.

Authentication methods have been added to validate if the webhook containing the employee data was indeed being sent to EMP Trust from Greenhouse.

Based on the presence of signature given in the header while posting the employee details by Greenhouse, there are 2 possible outcomes which occur due to the authentication checking:

  • If the webhook facility is enabled and signature is not present in the header, or the webhook secret key is not configured in the partner Integrations page of EMP Trust, then the checking is based on the Unique Code.
  • If the webhook facility is enabled, signature is available in header and webhook secret key is saved in partner integration, then the signature is validated in EMP Trust HR application by using the SHA256 algorithm by computing the body that is given and the secret key.
  • If the generated signature matches with the signature in the header that was sent by Greenhouse, then the details of the candidates are synced and one can be sure the webhook was sent from Greenhouse.

Additional resources

For additional information or troubleshooting not covered here, reach out to https://cs.EMP Trust HR.com.