Workato is the leading Enterprise Automation Platform. Workato enables both business and IT teams to integrate their apps and automate business workflows without compromising security and governance. It enables companies to drive real-time outcomes from business events.

Workato's Greenhouse connector enables you to build even more automation around applicant and candidate workflow and connect with other human resource management systems.

Create a Harvest API key for the Workato integration

Note: It is recommended to use an Integration System User (ISU) for integration with Workato. This ensures permissions are consistent and all operations can be logged on a single account.

To configure the Greenhouse Recruiting / Workato integration, you'll need to create a Harvest API key.

Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the credentials and permissions below are selected when configuring the Workato integration.


In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API type: Harvest
  • Partner: Workato
  • Description: Workato Harvest API key


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Workato integration:


  • All permissions


  • All permissions


  • All permissions


  • All permissions

Scheduled Interviews

  • All permissions


  • All permissions

Enter Harvest API key in Workato

Next, provide the Harvest API key to Workato. This key allows Workato to access your Greenhouse Recruiting instance. 

Authentication using API token credentials.

Connection field Description
Connection name Provide a unique name that identifies which Greenhouse Recruiting instance it is connected to.
API key The API token credential. Learn how to create an API key above.
User email The user email this API token is generated from.
Environment Choose between sandbox and production Greenhouse Recruiting environments for this connection.

Use the Workato integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

Workato has many automation workflows available to use once the integration has been enabled. To view the different connectors that are available and how to use them, check Workato's Connector guide here.