The 'Your next steps' email is a follow-up email sent from Greenhouse Onboarding to a new hire after they've been assigned an onboarding plan. In the email, new hires will receive a summary of who their manager is and which tasks need their attention.
Note: Learn how to configure the delivery schedule for the 'Your next steps' email.
Greenhouse Onboarding provides a default version of this email, but your organization can also customize the default email to add multiple variations.
To begin, navigate to Settings > Onboarding Plan > Emails.
On the Emails page, scroll to Your next steps to review your existing 'Your next steps' default email and variations.
Edit the default 'Your next steps' email
To edit your organization's default 'Your next steps' email, hover over the email named Default. Click the pencil icon to begin editing.
Note: The default 'Your next steps' email is intended to work as a catch-all for new hires who haven't been assigned specific departments, locations, employment statuses, or other criteria.
As a result, the default email can't be deactivated or renamed. In addition, match rules for department, location, employment status, and other criteria can't be applied to the default email template.
Use the Email Subject and Message fields to update the subject line or email copy for your default 'Your next steps' email.
When you're done, click Save and Close.
New hires who do not have matching criteria for 'Your next steps' email variations will receive this default email.
Edit custom 'Your next steps' email variations
Note: Learn how to create a new variation of the 'Your next steps' email.
You can also edit any of your organization's 'Your next steps' email variations. Hover over the email variation you want to edit, then click the pencil icon.
If you want to delete this email variation, click the trash icon.
From the email template editor, you can edit any of the following elements:
- Enable or turn off email delivery
- Template name
- Email subject
- Message
- Match criteria
Note: Make sure each 'Your next steps' email variation has match criteria applied to filter for specific new hires. This ensures that the correct email variation will reach new hires with matching locations, departments, employment statuses, or other criteria.
When you're done, click Save and Close.
New hires who match the applied criteria will receive this 'Your next steps' email variation.