Note: Before enabling this web hook, check out our web hook Developer Resources, and in particular, the candidate hired web hook to see an example JSON schema. When you create your web hook, it will contain all of the same object keys for Greenhouse's standard fields. The only keys that will be unique to your Greenhouse Recruiting instance are those in the custom_fields arrays shown for each example object.

Create a candidate hired web hook

To create a candidate hired web hook, click the Configure Configure-icon.png icon on your navigation bar, then select Dev Center on the left.

Dev Center page shows a marigold emphasis box around Web Hooks button

Click Web Hooks > Web Hooks.

Web Hooks page shows marigold emphasis box around web hooks button

Create a new web hook using the following details:

  • Name: We recommend something easily identifiable to an end user, such as [HRIS name] candidate export.
  • When: Candidate has been hired
  • Endpoint URL: The HRIS URL that will receive and transform the candidate data.
  • Secret key: This can be set to any value. Greenhouse Recruiting combines the value set with the body of the web hook and uses the SHA256 algorithm to generate a signature header to include in the payload. When the web hook listener receives the web hook, the integration should compute the HMAC digest using the secret key and the body of the payload, then verify that Greenhouse Recruiting sent the web hook by comparing the signature header that was previously generated with the signature header included in the web hook.
  • Error recipient email: The address that receives an email notification if the web hook fails. There is no in-app notification if the web hook fails after the initial ping.

If your HRIS endpoint requires additional Basic or OAuth authentication, click Advanced settings.


You can configure additional web hook headers as required, or configure the number of retry attempts Greenhouse Recruiting should make if the web hook fails. You can learn more about our web hook retry policy in our Developer Resources.

Click Create Web hook to complete the setup.

Greenhouse Recruiting will ping your endpoint URL. If the ping is successful, the web hook will be created. If the ping is unsuccessful, your configuration will be saved, but the web hook will be deactivated.

To edit an existing web hook, check out Edit or deactivate a web hook.

Additional resources