Permissions: Site Admins and Job Admins with the permission to create and manage scheduling links

Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

Scheduling links in Greenhouse make it easy to share your availability with candidates, prospects, and potential hires. You can create customizable links, manage their expiration dates, and ensure that link recipients can only schedule to meet with you when you're available.

The scheduling links feature is currently in beta. It may not be available for your organization.

Create links

From Account settings, from the left-hand menu select Scheduling links.  Then, select New link.

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To create scheduling links, connect your calendar. If your calendar isn’t connected yet, Greenhouse will prompt you to connect it.

The event name is what recipients will see when scheduling using your link. Make it clear and contextual, such as 30-minute intro call. This will automatically be populated in the Scheduling link URL field.

If you’d like the link to have a different name, update it in the Scheduling link URL field.

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Choose whether the link can expire. Once a link expires, it can't be used to schedule meetings, but you can reactivate it later.

You can edit links at any time, including the event name and the scheduling link URL. If you change the scheduling link URL, the old link will no longer work.

Note: Once a link expires, recipients can't use it to reschedule meetings. To meet with them again, reactivate the link and resend it so they can reschedule.

Next, choose which office's email templates to use for automated confirmation emails. You'll receive one each time someone schedules using the link.

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Recipients will also receive one when they've successfully scheduled a meeting using a link.

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Managing links

Once your link is created, it will appear as a card on the Scheduling links page. Each card displays basic link information, a button to copy the link for easy sharing, and an option to toggle the link active or inactive.

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Expired links will still appear on the Scheduling links page but will be marked as inactive. To reactivate an expired link, you'll be prompted to set a new expiration date. If you choose not to set a date, the link will remain active until you manually deactivate it.

Configuring email templates

The confirmation emails that are sent whenever a meeting is booked are default email templates that can be customized. To edit email templates, go to Configure > Email templates.

Select the pencil icon next to the email template called Default scheduling link confirmation email. This will be under Organization-wide templates.

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Once you've made your changes, click Save.

Under My templates, you can choose to create and personalize more emails. In the dropdown menu for Type, search for or select Scheduling Link Confirmation.

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Write and personalize the email with email tokens, then click Save.

Scheduling a meeting

Anyone who receives your link will be asked to provide their name and email. This information will be included in your confirmation email.

Recipients can only schedule meetings during your available times.

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Note: Recipients will not be able to schedule meetings outside of your working hours.

Making changes to a meeting

To reschedule or cancel a meeting, use the event link in the confirmation email.

You and recipients with the event link can both reschedule or cancel the meeting. Whenever changes are made, both parties will receive updated confirmation or cancellation emails.

Invalid meeting links

When a meeting link has been deactivated and someone tries to access it, they'll see an error page.

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Similarly, if a meeting has ended, the link will show as invalid. No further changes can be made.

Who can send scheduling links

Site admins will have this permission be default.

Since scheduling links are unique to each user's account, Job Admins can be granted the Create and manage scheduling links permission.

To assign this permission, go to Configure > Users, then select the user you want to update.

Note: Scheduling links can be sent to anyone, including people outside of your Greenhouse system.

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