Bandana is a job search platform built for modern recruiting. Our worker-centric product and extensive social channels make us one of the most trusted job boards in the US.
Bandana’s integration with Greenhouse Recruiting allows companies to directly post jobs from Greenhouse onto Bandana, and intake applications from Bandana into Greenhouse.
Send integration request to Bandana
To make your open jobs available to Bandana, please submit your job board URL, job board API key, and a custom job board tracking link here: We will walk through how to obtain each of these items below
Find your Job Board URL
You can find your Job Board URL by navigating to the Job Board settings. (Configure > Job Boards & Posts > Ellipsis icon next to job board > Edit Board Settings) and scroll to the URL field.
Click here for a more detailed walkthrough of how to locate your job board URL.
Generate a job board API key
Next, you’ll need to create a Job Board API key for Bandana.
Follow the steps in this article and use the information below when creating your API key:
- API Type: Job Board
- Partner: Bandana or Unlisted vendor
- Description: Bandana job board API key
Add Bandana as a Custom Source and create a Job Board Tracking Link
Follow the steps in this article to add “Bandana” as a custom source.
Once you have created the custom source, follow this article to generate a tracking link with the source as “Bandana.” This is the custom job board tracking link you should share with the Bandana integrations team.
Once you have the board URL, API key, and customer job board tracking link, please submit it here: If you have questions, email
Use the Bandana integration with Greenhouse Recruiting
Once you have shared your job board URL with Bandana, your Greenhouse jobs will be automatically synced on Bandana’s search platform. Bandana also offers organic, free traffic, as well as sponsorship campaigns to boost your jobs to the right applicants.
Sponsored jobs will appear first on all search surfaces and qualified applicants will be notified. Your Bandana campaign team will help you select and launch sponsorship campaigns to maximize job views and applications.
Once you have integrated fully, interested applicants can complete your job application directly on Bandana. Completed applications will be sent directly to your Greenhouse Recruiting organization.
You will be able to see all applicants, with the source as ‘Bandana’ and their information in your Greenhouse Recruiting account.
Additional resources
For additional information not covered here, reach out to For information on pricing and job sponsorship information, please reach out to