Personality Insights has a simple integration with Greenhouse that adds an automated DISC personality assessment system. You will have a detailed report available to understand your candidate’s behavioral tendencies and preferences even before you meet in person.

You can add the Personality Insights Assessment stage to the Interview Plan for any job within Greenhouse. You can send assessment invitations at the click of a button and the results will be at your fingertips directly in your Greenhouse account.

Personality Insight’s integration with Greenhouse Recruiting allows you to seamlessly add Personality Insight’s DISC assessment to a job interview plan.

Personality Insights integration with Greenhouse Recruiting allows you to seamlessly add Personality Insights assessment to a job's interview plan.

Enable the Personality Insights integration

Follow the steps in this article to retrieve your API key from your Personality Insights representative. The API key is located in the Settings page of the Branded DISC Profile Service Back Office. If you don’t see the API key, click “Request an API key if needed”.

You can then proceed to add the assessment stage in your interview plans.

Once you’ve set up your interview plans and configured your take home test, you’ll be able to send the test to candidates.

Use the Personality Insights integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

Once the Personality Insights integration is enabled for your organization, you will be able to add the Personality Insights assessment as an interview stage.

You can send an assessment to a candidate by selecting the Send Test button next to the interview stage.

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Note: When you send a test in Greenhouse Recruiting, the instructions are actually sent by Personality Insights.

After it has been sent, an assessment’s status will display in Greenhouse Recruiting.

Once the candidate has submitted their test, the Interview Kit will contain a link to view the submitted test in the Personality Insights application.

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To see a candidate’s results in Personality Insights, click View Report .

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You can also use the menu option on the screen to reveal the “View Interview Kit” button as shown below.

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The Interview Kit view will display the person’s personality style and will also show a “View Report” button which will display the full personality report.

A screenshot of a survey

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Additional resources

For additional information not covered here, reach out to your Personality Insights rep or call Personality Insights at 214-675-9588.

Additional learning resources about DISC Personality Styles and DISC Profile Reports: