Permissions: Site Admins who can edit other users’ advanced permissions and see private notes, salary info, manage offers, and approve jobs/offers

Product tier: Available for the Expert subscription tier

You can create permission "rules" that automatically give users the correct permission level and job-based permissions based on a preconfigured set of requirements.

Add a new rule

To add a new rule, click Configure image-0.png > Permission policies > Permission rules.

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Click Create rule. 

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First, give a descriptive name to your new rule.

The rule's user requirements are based on your existing custom fields, departments, and offices. The job requirements align with these same values. Adding more requirements will result in the rule applying to fewer users.

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Choose the Job Admin level this rule will assign users, then click Save and publish to publish your new rule. It will immediately take effect for all applicable users and jobs. You can select Save as draft to save your rule's progress without publishing it.

Note: You can create up to 1,000 rules. Once you reach the rule limit, you will need to delete an existing rule to create a new one.

When creating your first permission rule, you must set rule priority settings before publishing it. Click Save as draft, and you will be taken to a new page to set your rule priority.  

Once rules are set up, any new users, new jobs, or changes to existing users and jobs will be evaluated based on these rules to determine their level of access.

Set rule priority

Configuring your rule priority settings helps users maintain only the permissions settings they need as you create more rules.

On the Permission rules page, click Priority settings.

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Note: By default, permission levels are in descending order from least to most access.

Click and drag your Job Admin levels up and down to adjust their priority. The Job Admin levels at the top of the list will be applied to the user if two rules conflict with each other.

When you are finished, click Save settings.

Delete a rule

Find the rule you'd like to delete on the Permission rules page and click on the rule's name. Then, click Delete rule.

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Deleting custom fields, offices, and departments used in rules

You cannot delete custom fields that are being used in a permission rule. To delete the custom fields, first remove them from all the rules in which it's being used.

Similarly to custom fields, offices and departments may not be deleted until a new office and department are assigned to all of the permission rules where they are used.

If you would like to delete a Job Admin level that is being used in a rule, you will be prompted to choose another Job Admin level that will replace it.

Manually assigned permissions

Any permissions granted to a user outside of an automated permission rule is considered manual and a permissions rule override. For example, permissions given to a user on the Edit user page will override any automated permissions rules currently in place.

When a user's manually assigned job-admin level is removed, any applicable rules will come into effect for that user.

Verify your permissions setup

You can check that the right users are being impacted by your rules by downloading a CSV file you can then upload into a spreadsheet program, like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

To download a CSV file, go to the Permission rules page and click on the name of the rule you'd like to verify. Then, click Download CSV.

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