The all jobs summary report provides a wealth of information as an overview of all jobs in your organization where you have the appropriate permissions. This report is a great way to get a high-level view of your company's current hiring priorities.
At a glance, the all jobs summary will tell you when jobs were opened and closed, who's responsible for each part of the hiring process, and the number of candidates (historical, new, and hired) on each job.
Tip: Need help troubleshooting this report? Check out Troubleshoot a report.
All jobs summary report
To create an all jobs summary report, click Reports on your navigation bar.
Click Essential reports on the left.
Scroll to the Run Your Own Analysis section and click All Jobs Summary.
The all jobs summary report will generate.
Note: The all jobs summary report will show information for all jobs on which you have at least Job Admin permission.
The all jobs summary report displays information for each job in the following columns, where applicable:
- Job name
- Job ID
- Job post ID
- Job status
- Job board status
- Openings
- Opening IDs
- Total new candidates (last 7 days)
- Total active candidates
- Total hires
- Open date
- Close date
- Primary recruiter
- Secondary recruiter
- Primary coordinator
- Secondary coordinator
- Sourcers
- Hiring managers
- Requisition ID
- Department (and subordinate departments)
- Office (and subordinate offices)
- Job approvers: Start recruiting
- Job approvers: official job approval
- Default offer approvers
- Custom job fields
If you've added any custom job fields, you'll see them as extra columns on the right side of the report.
Since the all jobs summary has a lot of data, you can also export the report to Excel to perform more complex data analysis. Click the Download icon to download the all jobs summary.
All jobs summary report filters
Click Filters and more to apply filters to further refine your report.
The all jobs summary report can be filtered by the following:
- Job
- Job status
- Department
- Office
- User
- Hiring team role
- Custom job field
- Open date
- Include migrated candidates
Note: By default, the open date for the report is set to the current year.
Click Apply after applying any filters to your report.