Permissions: Site Admin who can bulk edit jobs

Product tier: Available for Advanced and Expert subscription tiers

As your organization refines its hiring process over time, it is possible that your organization realizes that it would like to add a stage to all job openings in a specific department (or even across the entire organization). This article covers how to edit job stages across multiple jobs using the bulk edit feature.

Navigate to the job list

To edit Stages in bulk, click Jobs on your navigation bar. Navigate to the list of jobs and select which jobs will be included in the bulk action by clicking the checkbox to the left of the job name.

When finished, click Edit: Stages/Interviews.

Note: Stages that are available on all jobs included in the bulk edit are highlighted in teal. Additionally, job stages also include a reference to how many jobs included in the bulk edit already have the job stage (such as "2 of 3").

When you have finished editing the scorecards for all the jobs included in the bulk edit, click Save Changes.

Edit stage name in bulk

To edit the name of a Stage for all jobs included in the bulk edit, click the name of any Stage on the Bulk Edit Stages/Interviews page. 

Use the provided field to edit the name of the Stage. When finished, click  to confirm the edit.


Add new stage in bulk

To add a new Stage to all jobs included in the bulk edit, navigate down the Bulk Edit Stages/Interviews page and click Add a Category

Use the subsequent dialog box, to either:

  • Create a brand new Stage using the provided input text field
  • Select a Stage from the pre-populated list
  • Copy a Stage from another job

When finished, click Add. The Stage will be added to all jobs included in the bulk edit.

Note: Users can only copy Stages from jobs where they currently have Job Admin level permissions or above. 

Add an existing stage to other jobs in bulk

If a Stage only exists on some jobs included in the bulk edit and you would like to add the Stage to all jobs included in the bulk edit, hover over the name of the Stage and click Add to all.

Remove a stage from jobs in bulk

To remove a Stage from all the jobs included in the bulk edit, hover over the name of the Stage and click Remove from all

A dialog box will ask you to confirm this irreversible process. To continue, click Remove this stage.

Reorder stages in bulk

To reorder Stages for all jobs included in the bulk edit, click Re-Order Stages.

Use the subsequent dialog box to drag and drop the stages into an order. This action will reorder the stage relative to all the stages included in the bulk edit and will not necessarily reflect what the stage flow will look like for the individual job. 

When finished, click Update Stage Order.

Note: You cannot reorder the Application Review and Offer Stage from their positions in the flow.