Tip: Check out our overview article for information on how to get started.
Greenhouse Recruiting allows you to integrate the job boards and posts you create in your account with the career page you already have on your organization’s website.
This process saves time, streamlines the management of your job boards and posts, and simplifies applicant tracking by tracking data from a single place.
Part of setting up your Greenhouse Recruiting account involves choosing how you want to integrate your account with your organization’s careers page. You’ll decide how you want your careers page to look and function. Depending on which option you choose, you may need to allocate additional time and resources to set up the integration.
Note: Before you start, make sure you have created a job board, set its status to Live, and granted developer permissions to manage job board-related API credentials.
Choose an integration option
Greenhouse Recruiting offers five integration options to choose from. Each option varies in setup time, complexity, and customizability.
Before choosing an integration option, work with your team to evaluate what technical resources you already have or how much technical training you're willing to undertake. Questions you might discuss with your team include:
- How soon do we want to launch our careers page integration?
- What do we want our integration to look and feel like?
- Who in our organization has skills in website development, and will they be able to help with this project?
- If we can't get help from another department, is there someone else who's willing to learn the skills needed to build a more complex integration?
- If we can't or don't want to dedicate resources to building a complex integration, will a simpler integration still meet our needs?
For more information, check out our overview article.
Tip: To get your integration up and running as soon as possible, we recommend starting with the simplest option. You can always change your integration option at a later time.
Option 1: Host your job board with Greenhouse Recruiting
Make a quick and simple change to the code on your website that redirects to your job board on Greenhouse Recruiting (boards.greenhouse.io/[yourcompany]
Control basic information on the job board and applications pages. “Powered by Greenhouse” appears at the bottom of each page.
Difficulty | Easiest |
Time commitment | Less than 1 hour |
Customizations |
Where your job boards are hosted |
Greenhouse (boards.greenhouse.io) |
Where your job posts are hosted | Greenhouse (boards.greenhouse.io) |
Option 2: Embed your job board on your website
Allow candidates to apply for jobs right from your website by embedding an iFrame with a few short lines of code.
Difficulty | Easy |
Time commitment | 1 hour-1 day |
Customizations |
Where your job boards are hosted |
Your careers page |
Where your job posts are hosted | Your careers page |
Option 3: Host applications with Greenhouse Recruiting and embed an API-driven job board in your website
Control the look and feel of your job board using our API. Customize your job board to fit your website's style, and access raw JSON data to personalize it even more.
Candidates will access your job board on your website but will be redirected to boards.greenhouse.io/[yourcompany]
to apply for jobs.
Difficulty | Moderate |
Time commitment | 2-4 days |
Customizations |
Where your job boards are hosted |
Your careers page |
Where your job posts are hosted | Greenhouse (boards.greenhouse.io) |
Option 4: Embed an API-driven job board and application form on your website
Allow candidates to browse and apply for jobs right from your website. Take advantage of optional configurations to show a job post and its application on the same page.
Difficulty | Somewhat difficult |
Time commitment | 3-5 days |
Customizations | |
Where your job boards are hosted |
Your careers page |
Where your job posts are hosted | Your careers page |
Option 5: Create a fully API-driven job board
Take complete control of your job board to configure a fully customized experience. This includes ownership of error handling, spam prevention, and source tracking.
This is the most advanced integration option offered by Greenhouse Recruiting and is only recommended to customers who want to create and maintain a custom job board.
This is also the only integration option that allows you to implement a tracking pixel, like those used with Google Analytics, and meet ADA compliance level AA or higher.
Difficulty | Most difficult |
Time commitment | 5-8 days |
Customizations |
Where your job boards are hosted |
Your careers page |
Where your job posts are hosted | Your careers page |
Additional resources
Visit our FAQs for more information.
For help with integration option 1, reach out to the Greenhouse Recruiting Technical Support team.
For integration options 2 through 5, refer to your web development, engineering or marketing team.