Indeed’s integration with Greenhouse Recruiting allows you to automatically post jobs to Indeed, lets candidates apply on Indeed, and transfer applications to Greenhouse.

Candidate Sync is an Indeed ATS Sync feature that seamlessly transfers candidates who have applied to your Indeed jobs into your ATS. To use this feature, your jobs must be hosted directly on Indeed or be posted to Indeed via Enable Indeed Apply.

With Candidate Sync for Smart Sourcing, customers can now automatically transfer Smart Sourcing positive connections from Indeed into their ATS. After Candidate Sync is enabled for a job requisition, all positive connections are transferred into the ATS in real-time. This functionality streamlines hiring workflows, minimizes manual effort, helps ensure compliance, and enhances our overall employer experience.

Note: While Smart Sourcing as a product is available in international markets, Candidate Sync as an integration is currently limited to US-only.

Set up the Candidate Sync integration

Create a Harvest API key

To configure the Indeed Candidate Sync / Greenhouse Recruiting integration, you’ll need to create a Harvest API key.

Follow the steps inthis article to create the key, and verify that the permissions below are selected when configuring the Indeed Candidate Sync integration.


In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: Indeed
  • Description: Indeed Harvest API Key


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Indeed integration:

  • Applications
    • Patch: Update Application
    • Post: Add Attachment to Application
  • Candidates
    • Get: Retrieve Candidate
    • Get: List Candidates
    • Patch: Edit Candidate
    • Post: Add Candidate
    • Post: Add Attachment
    • Post: Add Application
    • Post: Add Education
    • Delete: Delete Education
    • Post: Add Employment
    • Delete: Delete Employment
    • Post: Add Prospect
  • Jobs
    • Get: Retrieve Jobs
    • Get: List Jobs
  • Tags
    • Delete: Remove tag from candidate
    • Get: List tags applied to candidates
    • Get: List Candidate Tag
    • Post: Add New Candidate Tags
    • Delete: Remove Candidate Tags
    • Put: Add a candidate tag
  • Users
    • Get: Retrieve User
    • Get: List Users
  • Sources
    • Get: List Sources
  • Prospect Pool
    • Get: Retrieve Prospect Pool
    • Get: List Prospect Pools
  • Education
    • Get: Get degrees
    • Get: Get disciplines
    • Get: Get schools
  • Rejection Reasons
    • Get: List Rejection Reasons
  • Job Stages
    • Get: List Job Stages

When finished, click Save.

Your Harvest API key for the Greenhouse Recruiting / Indeed Candidate Sync integration is created and configured. Copy the Harvest API key to provide to Indeed in the next step.

Provide your API credentials to Indeed and complete setup

Note: Users will need Employer Home administrator access assigned within Indeed to enable Candidate Sync.

After creating your Harvest API key for the Indeed / Greenhouse Recruiting integration, you'll need to provide the key to Indeed. These steps need to be completed by a user with Indeed Employer Home administrator access.

Navigate to Indeed Employer Home and select Greenhouse Recruiting.

Next, click Get started and select Sync Indeed candidates and data to ATS.

Enter the information from your Greenhouse admin:

  • Email
  • Harvest API key

Screenshot of installation modal.

Agree to the terms and conditions, click Continue.

Screenshot of 2nd installation modal screen.

Next, you'll need to use the Selected Source dropdown to select a candidate source. The source you select will be the source attributed to candidates when they're created with Candidate Sync. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Use the Candidate Sync integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

Connect your jobs on Indeed to Greenhouse Recruiting

To begin transferring candidate applications automatically, you'll need to link your jobs posted on Indeed to created requisitions in Greenhouse Recruiting.

Note: Candidate applications submitted prior to enabling Candidate Sync are not retroactively transferred over to Greenhouse Recruiting after linking your jobs. To transfer applications submitted prior to job linking, manually export the candidate.

Navigate to your Jobs dashboard on Indeed and locate a job you'd like to sync applications from.

Select the Greenhouse Requisition that links to this job and click ‘Link Job’ to complete the configuration.

Once your job link is completed, the Status of the linked Indeed job will display as Linked. Applicants will be automatically exported to Greenhouse and associated with the linked Greenhouse requisition.

Additional resources

For additional information or troubleshooting on the integration not covered here, reach out to Indeed's employer help center.