Permissions: Job Admin and above

Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

Note: Consult with your legal team if you have questions about local pay transparency laws and how it affects your organization.

Pay transparency helps your organization take a step toward pay equity by standardizing how salary ranges display on job posts. 

Let's dive into how it works.

Step 1: Site Admin creates pay transparency rule

New rules are created on the Privacy & Compliance page (Configure icon the configure icon > Privacy & Compliance)

During the creation process, you'll name the rule and provide the pay input details including a title and optional description that appears on the job post.

You can also enable these advanced tools to further streamline the work for your Job Admins:

  • Assign the rule to an office: With this option, the rule auto-populates on new job posts within that office. Job Admins can remove rules on the job post that don't apply 
  • Link the rule to a custom field: This option syncs the pay range values on the job with the pay transparency rule. You also have the option to make the values uneditable on the job post so that updates to the pay range come from a single source using the custom field

Learn more about creating a rule

Step 2: Job Admin adds pay transparency to job post

Once your Site Admin sets up the feature, the pay transparency dropdown becomes available on job posts. 

Use the dropdown to select a rule and add the pay range to the job post. 

Screenshot of the pay transparency rules dropdown.

Learn more about adding pay transparency to job posts