Calculate pass rates based on applicants that enter and exit a stage


Product tier: Available for Expert subscription tier

The default pass rate measure in Business Intelligence Connector and in the Pipeline history and pass-through rates report is an implied pass rate that assumes applicants have passed through all previous stages in order to get to their current stage, regardless of whether they were actually advanced through each of those stages manually.

Imagine you have a job with 3 stages: application review, take home test, and offer. If you were to move an extraordinary candidate from application review immediately to offer, skipping take home test, then it would be implied that they passed through the take home test stage.

  • If no stages were ever skipped, the pass rate would be the same if you were to calculate it by counting the number of candidates who completed a stage and moved on, divided by the total number of candidates who completed a stage.
  • However, if any stages were skipped, like take home test in the example above, then the implied pass rate would be different than the pass rate calculated based on actual Greenhouse Recruiting usage.

To calculate pass rates based on actual Greenhouse Recruiting usage, you can apply the following methodology to data from the application_stages table and the applications table.


IF ISNULL([Exited On])=false and [Stage Name (Application Stages)] != [Stage Name]
then [Application Id (Application Stages)]
IF ISNULL([Exited On])=false
then [Application Id (Application Stages)]
  • The denominator represents the total number of candidates who completed a stage. You can read it to mean: "If there is a value for when an application exited the stage, meaning the value is not null, then count the application."
  • The numerator represents the total number of candidates who completed a stage and moved on. The formula is the same as the denominator, except for the addition of a second logical condition that evaluates whether or not the stage that was completed is equal to the applicant's current stage. If they're equal, the applicant has completed the stage and been rejected. If they're different, the applicant has completed the stage and moved into another stage.

Note: With this formula, we assume that applicants only ever move forward and not backward.