Use keyboard shortcuts in Greenhouse Recruiting to speed up your review process or quickly search within your account.

Available shortcuts

Greenhouse Recruiting dashboard

Use these shortcuts on the main dashboard and throughout your Greenhouse Recruiting account.

Keyboard shortcut Action

⌘+K (Mac)

Ctrl+K (Windows)

Open search
Shift+/ Show keyboard shortcut menu
Esc Close search

Candidate profile

Use these shortcuts to navigate the candidate profile.

Keyboard shortcut Action
Go back to previous candidate*
Go to next candidate*
1 Open/close candidate details tab
2 Open/close application details tab
3 Open/close all jobs tab
4 Open/close notes tab
5 Open/close tasks and reminders tab
R Show resume
G Show current stage
X Reject candidate
M Move stage

* These shorcuts can only be used when viewing a candidate from the candidate search results page.

Review Prospects page

You can use the following shortcuts while reviewing prospects.

Keyboard shortcut Action
C Convert to candidate
U Update prospect
S Skip prospect
X Stop considering
Shift+/ Show keyboard shortcut menu
Esc Cancel workflow

Hiring Manager Review and Application Review pages

You can use the following shortcuts when reviewing applications during the Hiring Manager Review stage or Application Review stage.

Keyboard shortcut Action
S Strong yes
Y Yes
N No
D Definitely not
? Show keyboard shortcut menu
Esc Cancel the current action or close the shortcut menu