Manage pay transparency rules and reporting

Permissions: Site Admin

Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

Pay transparency helps your organization take a step toward pay equity by standardizing how salary ranges display on job posts.

During the creation process, you can assign the rule to an office and provide an optional description that appears on the job post.

Job Admins are then prompted to enter a required pay range during the job post configuration. Alternatively, you can link the rule to a custom job field that'll sync the pay range on the job with the pay transparency rule. This increases efficiency and limits errors by streamlining the work for your Job Admins. 

Note: Consult with your legal team if you have questions about local pay transparency laws and how it affects your organization, including recommended messaging to add to the job post.

Create a rule

New pay transparency rules are created on the Privacy & Compliance page (Configure icon Screenshot of the configure icon. > Privacy & Compliance)

Scroll to the Pay transparency section and click Configure.

Screenshot of the configure button.

Next, click Create a rule.

Screenshot of the create a rule button.

Complete the following steps to create a pay transparency rule:

  1. Name the rule
  2. Select an office (optional)
  3. Enter the pay input details
  4. Preview the rule

Name the rule

Enter an internal name in the text field for the rule that's specific to the location (For example, "Remote - Eastcoast"). 

While you can create unlimited rules, each rule must have a unique name. 

Select an office (optional)

Choose an office(s) from the dropdown menu if you want the rule to auto-populate on new job posts based in the correlating office. 

Note: Job Admins need to manually add pay transparency rules to existing job posts. 

Enter the pay input details

Add a description and title. These details can only be modified on this page and can't be updated from the job post.

Tip: Consult with your legal team as needed for suggested language to add to the description. 


Check the box link value to job custom field and select a custom field from the dropdown if you want to sync the pay details on the job with the pay transparency rule. 

Note: Only custom job fields with a currency range appear in the dropdown. 

When you select this option, you can also elect to mark the value as not editable on the job post. This ensures updates to the pay range are done from a single source using the custom field. 


Next, create additional pay inputs as needed by clicking Add another pay input

Preview the rule

Click Preview rule to see what the rule looks like during the job post configuration, and what candidates see on the job post. Please note that this is a preview only. The currency and pay range can only be added during the job post configuration. 

Screenshot of the preview rule window.

Click Save changes when done.

Edit a rule

To edit a rule, navigate to Configure icon Screenshot of the configure icon. > Privacy & Compliance.

Scroll to the Pay transparency section and click Configure.

Click the Pencil icon Screenshot of the pencil icon. next to a rule.

Use the following actions to edit the rule:

Edit the pay input details

You can edit the name, which office(s) the rule applies to, and the pay input details including the description, title, and whether the value is linked to a custom job field. 

Please keep the following in mind as you make changes:

Change type Note
Office When you remove an office, the rule remains intact on existing job posts in that office. Job Admins and above can manually remove the rule from the job post. 
Link to custom field 

When you mark the values as not editable, the rule overrides the existing pay range on the job post and replaces it with the custom field data. However, the values on the job post aren’t overridden if the custom field is empty. 

Example: Your Job Admin selects a rule and enters $60K - $75K in the pay range, but this differs from the $65K - $80K pay range listed in the custom job field.

You later update the rule to make the value uneditable on the job post. This setting overrides the existing data and updates the job post to $65K - $80K since this value is connected to the custom field.

Create additional pay inputs as needed by clicking Add another pay input

Click Preview rule to view your edits. Then, save your changes when done.

Delete a rule

Deleting a pay transparency rule removes the pay details and descriptions from job posts where the rule is applied. Additionally, the deleted rule can't be applied to future job posts.

Note: Deleting a pay transparency rule can't be undone.

To proceed, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Delete rule.

Click Delete from the popup window to confirm the changes.


You can audit live job posts with pay transparency enabled across your organization using a CSV report. 

To access the report, navigate to Job Boards & Posts. (Configure icon Screenshot-of-the-configure-icon.png > Job Boards & Posts)

Click Download pay transparency report

Screenshot of the download pay transparency report.

The report provides the following information:

  • Offices
  • Department
  • Job board type (Internal or external)
  • Job board status
  • Job ID
  • Job name
  • Job post ID
  • Job post name
  • Job post status
  • Job post location
  • EEOC questions status
  • Demographic question set selection
  • Pay transparency rule ID
  • Pay range ID
  • Pay range name
  • Pay range min and max
  • Currency
  • Date last edited

Screenshot of the pay transparency CSV report.

Frequently asked questions

Are updates required to the Job Board API?

All job board options support pay transparency functionality by default and don't require manual configuration.

Pay details, including the description and range, appear in the content field of the Job Board API.

Are pay transparency rules applied to job posts automatically?

Pay transparency rules only auto-populate on new job posts when you assign the rule to an office. 

Job Admins need to manually apply rules to existing externalinternal job posts.

I'm hiring for multiple positions with different salaries in the same office. How should I set up the rule?

The following options are available:

  • Option one: Create separate rules for each position. You can create unlimited rules, but each rule must have a unique name
  • Option two: Create one rule with multiple pay inputs. With this option, all pay input details for each position are visible to candidates

Additional resources