We are making the following changes to the BI Connector schema on March 15, 2022. See the information below for a description of the changes. You can download the latest schema file by clicking the attachment on the right side of the page.
New column on the applications table
- If true, the candidate has had the opportunity to respond to demographic questions, either by applying directly to a job post or by receiving a job post request email.
Schema preview
CREATE TABLE applications (
id bigint NOT NULL,
candidate_id bigint,
applied_at timestamp without time zone,
status character varying,
prospect boolean,
stage_id bigint,
source_id bigint,
referrer_id bigint,
rejected_at timestamp without time zone,
rejected_by_id bigint,
rejection_reason_id bigint,
pipeline_percent double precision,
migrated boolean,
rejected_by character varying,
stage_name character varying,
job_post_id bigint,
prospect_pool character varying(65535),
prospect_pool_stage character varying(65535),
prospect_owner_id bigint,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
event_id bigint,
converted_prospect_application_id bigint,
sent_demographic_questions boolean