Mosaictrack predicts who the hiring team will want to interview. By creating an AI model based on job descriptions, Mosaictrack is able to create a short list of candidates for recruiters to review. Recruiters have the option of screening the people who applied to a job or to discover past candidates that may be a match to a new job.

Greenhouse Recruiting's integration with Mosaictrack allows new candidate information, resumes, job requisitions, and application logging by job to be imported into Mosaictrack. 

In this article:

Configure user setup permissions in Greenhouse Recruiting

In order to enable the Greenhouse Recruiting / Mosaictrack integration, you will need the developer permission Can manage ALL organization's API Credentials

Contact a Greenhouse Recruiting user in your organization with Site Admin permission and the user-specific permission Can edit another user's advanced permissions to apply the developer permission to your account.

Have the user with Site Admin level permissions edit your user account's permissions by navigating to Configure icon  Icon_-_Configure.png   > Users > Your Name.


The user with Site Admin level permissions should navigate to the User-Specific Permissions panel on your user page and expand the Developer Permissions dropdown menu. 

Select Can manage ALL organization's API Credentials so that a check is in the checkbox. When finished, click Save.

Repeat as necessary for any other user that should have access to set up the integration.

Create a Harvest API Key for the Greenhouse Recruiting / Mosaictrack integration

To create a Harvest API key for the integration, click the Configure icon Icon_-_Configure.png in the upper right-hand corner.

Navigate to Dev Center on the left-hand panel.


From the Dev Center page, click API Credential Management .


From the API Credential Management page, click Create New API Key to generate the API key for Mosaictrack.


In the Create New Credential dialog box, make the following selections:

  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: Mosaictrack
  • Description: Mosaictrack Harvest API Key

When finished, click Manage Permissions to generate the Harvest API key and automatically assign it the appropriate permissions required by Mosaictrack.


In the subsequent dialog box, click Copy to save your API key to your clipboard. Store the API key in a secure location to provide to Mosaictrack in the next step. Click I have stored the API Key once you have copied and saved the key.

Note: You cannot access the full API key again after clicking I have stored the API Key. If you lose your API key and need to access it later, you must create a new API key, provide it to Mosaictrack integration, and then revoke access to the original key.

On the Manage API Key Permissions page, include the following permissions:


  • GET: Retrieve Candidate
  • GET: List Candidates
  • POST: Add Candidate
  • POST: Add Attachment
  • POST: Add Application
  • POST: Add prospect


  • GET: Retrieve Application
  • GET: List Applications

Job Posts

  • GET: List Job Posts
  • GET: Retrieve Job Post for Job
  • GET: List Job Posts for Job

Note: If you intend to use the Mosaictrack chatbot, you must check the POST: Add user permission in addition to those listed above, and create a new user following the instructions below.

If any of the permissions above are not checked, place a check in the box next to the appropriate permission. Click Save when finished. 

Your Harvest API key for the Greenhouse Recruiting / Mosaictrack integration is created and configured. Provide your Harvest API key to Mosaictrack to complete setup.

Create a new user for the Greenhouse Recruiting / Mosaictrack integration

To enable the Mosaictrack integration, you'll need to create a new user in Greenhouse Recruiting who will have permissions to upload new candidates and resume attachments.

While you can use any Site Admin user in Greenhouse Recruiting, we recommend creating a new user that will only be used for interacting with the integration. For example, a user called Mosaictrack API.

Note: To create a new user in Greenhouse Recruiting, you must be a Site Admin or a Job Admin with the user-specific permission Can invite new users to Greenhouse and reactivate disabled users

To add a new user, click the Configure icon Icon_-_Configure.png from any Greenhouse Recruiting page, then click Users on the left. 


Select + New Users.


Fill out the required fields. Make sure you choose Site Admin for the permission. Click Save when finished.

When complete, click Configure icon Icon_-_Configure.png > Users, then select the new user you just created by clicking on the name.

Note: You are not able to navigate to your own Greenhouse Recruiting account.

On the user account page, note the user ID present in the browser URL. In the example below, the user ID would be 10101010101:


Provide the user ID to Mosaictrack to complete the setup.

Retrieve Mosaictrack's endpoint URL and secret key

In order to complete the last setup step involving webhook creation, reach out to Mosaictrack to retrieve the following information:

  • Mosaictrack's endpoint URL
  • Mosaictrack's secret key

Setup a webhook for the Greenhouse Recruiting / Mosaictrack integration

With Mosaictrack's endpoint URL and secret key copied, and your Greenhouse Recruiting user permissions enabled, you are ready to setup a webhook for the integration.

To setup a new webhook in Greenhouse Recruiting, click Configure icon Icon_-_Configure.png and select Dev Center on the left.


From the Dev Center page, click Web Hooks. Click Web Hooks  from the subsequent page.


On the Create a New Web Hook page, enter the following details:

  • Name: Mosaictrack Integration
  • When: Candidate has submitted application
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL received from Mosaictrack
  • Secret Key : Enter the secret key received from Mosaictrack

When finished, click Create Web hook.


That's it! Your Greenhouse Recruiting account and Mosaictrack account can now talk to each other. 

Optional: Setup the Greenhouse Recruiting URL for when viewing a candidate or requisition on Mosaictrack

Note: Setting up the 'View in ATS' feature is optional for the Mosaictrack integration.

To setup the Greenhouse Recruiting URL for when viewing a candidate or requisition, login to Mosaictrack and choose My Company in the navigation menu.

In the Company section, choose My Company.

Note: You must have company owner access to view this page. If necessary, reach out to Mosaictrack for the permission.

On the subsequent page, enter the first part of the URL in the appropriate field, and choose Save.

Example: Use your Greenhouse Recruiting account to determine the structure of the URL. If you are reviewing a requisition, you might see a URL in your browser address like this: Simply exclude the job ID (101010101) and enter everything before it in the Requisition ATS Link text box as shown in the image below. Do the same for candidates!

Use the Mosaictrack integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

Once you have Mosaictrack and Greenhouse Recruiting integrated, you may start with Mosaictrack to complete a candidate search, then move to Greenhouse Recruiting to manage your recruiting efforts.

From the navigation menu, select Jobs, then click on a job.

Click Discover Candidates on the left.

Next, click Discovery from the top navigation.

Use the Job Title field on the left. Simply start typing the name of the job you are searching for, then choose a job from the list.

Graphical user interface, application, Word

Description automatically generated

You have the option to only search for people who have applied to the job. Check Applied Only toggle on the left to toggle on this screening.

You may also uncheck the Applied Only to consider all candidates that have applied to any job. This would include all candidates in Greenhouse Recruiting. This method of sourcing is often called discovery, rediscovery, or simply sourcing.

Next, click the Search button to view results. 

After clicking Search, you'll see a list of people ranked by scores graded on a curve. Mosaictrack compares the text of the job to the text of candidate resumes based on artificial intelligence modeling to predict who will be asked to interview. These models are updated in the background continually. A score of 100% means the resume is the best you currently have for the job, though necessarily the best person possible. People are graded using Mosaictrack's artificial intelligence modeling, machine learning, and other AI techniques.

Graphical user interface, table

Description automatically generated

Next, you may review the resume and the candidate. Click Match to compare matching sentences from the job description and the resume to give insights into the person's qualifications.

You may also view the candidate or requisition in your Greenhouse Recruiting by clicking on View in ATS (be sure to complete the optional setup first!). On Greenhouse Recruiting, you may manage how you engage with the candidate.

Additional resources

Can't find a job? Mosaictrack automatically updates and displays requisitions in Mosaictrack that have active job posts.

If you want to work with a job in Mosaictrack that doesn't have a public/active job post, first change the status of the job to Internal just below the Note section when viewing a job in edit mode. Then remove the job from the job board.

For additional information not covered here, reach out to Mosaictrack at
or by phone at 206-486-2167.