Business Intelligence Connector update – January 31, 2022

We're making the following changes to the BI Connector schema on February 14, 2022, and February 15, 2022.

See the sections below for more information on the changes. To download the latest schema file, click the link on the right side of the page.

February 14, 2022

On February 14th, we are making the following changes to the BI Connector schema:

  • New column on the demographic_questions table
    • answer_type - The type of answer expected.

Schema preview

CREATE TABLE demographic_questions (
   id bigint NOT NULL,
   organization_id bigint NOT NULL,
   active boolean NOT NULL,
   demographic_question_set_id bigint,
   name character varying,
   required boolean,
   answer_type character varying

Feburary 15, 2022

On February 15th, we are making the following changes to the BI Connector schema:

  • New table scorecard_questions with the following columns:
    • id - The primary key
    • interview_kit_id - The primary key of the interview kit on which the question appears
    • question - The question's text.
    • answer_type - The type of answer expected.
    • active - If true, this question currently appears on the interview kit
    • priority - The order of the questions.
    • required - If true, this answer is required.
    • created_at - The date this question was created.
    • updated_at - The date this question was last updated.
    • focus_attributes - An aggregated, semicolon-separated list of this question's focus attributes.
  • New column on the scorecard_question_answers table
    • scorecard_question_id - a reference to in the newly created scorecard_questions table

Schema preview

CREATE TABLE scorecard_question_answers (
scorecard_id bigint,
application_id bigint,
question character varying(65535),
answer character varying(65535),
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
scorecard_question_id bigint NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE scorecard_questions (
id bigint NOT NULL,
interview_kit_id bigint,
question character varying NOT NULL,
answer_type character varying NOT NULL,
active boolean NOT NULL,
priority integer,
required boolean,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
focus_attributes character varying