Submit a support request through the Support Center

To open a support ticket with Greenhouse Technical Support, navigate to any page in the Support Center and click Get help in the top-right corner.

A widget will expand in the lower-right corner. Enter your question or issue and press enter to send it. 

Tip: For the quickest and most helpful support, use clear descriptions and mention any keywords in your initial message.

Based on your message, we'll automatically show a few articles that might answer your question even faster than our Technical Support team. To view a full article, click Read More on the suggested solution.

If one of the suggested solutions resolves your question, scroll to the bottom of the solutions list to find Was this answer helpful? and click Yes to conclude the support interaction.

If the suggested solutions didn't answer your question, click No. You can then enter a ticket to be sent to the Greenhouse Support team. 

Note: If you don't get the answer you expect, consider rephrasing your question in a different way to see if a different article can meet your needs.

After you submit a ticket, we'll send you a confirmation email with your ticket number momentarily, and a member of the Greenhouse Technical Support team will follow up via email as soon as possible.