Change your preferred language in Greenhouse Recruiting


Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

In addition to English, Greenhouse Recruiting is available in the following languages:

  • German
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese

When you log in, your language is detected automatically and will be used if it's available. You can also manually select a preferred language for your account.

Automatically detected language

Greenhouse Recruiting automatically detects your language preference from your browser settings every time you log into your account. If your preferred language is available in Greenhouse Recruiting, we will automatically translate pages into that preferred language.

Note: If Greenhouse Recruiting has automatically translated pages in your account and you want to change the language, you can manually update your preferred language. We will always respect and apply a manually selected language preference before selecting an auto-detected language.

Manually update the preferred language for your account

You can update your language under your Account Settings. (Your initials in the top right corner of hte page > Account Settings > Personal Information

Screenshot of personal information settings

Scroll to the Language preference field and choose a language from the list.

Screenshot of language preference field

Click Save.

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