
Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

It's natural for companies to rebrand and evolve; Brad’s Drink rebranded to Pepsi-Cola in 1898 and Sound of Music became Best Buy in 1983. If your organization is currently rebranding your company or considering the possibility, follow this guide to make ensure your careers page and Greenhouse account reflects this exciting next step for your company!

Use the below checklist to help launch your new careers page and start accepting candidates as your new company. 

Change your organization's name

Go to the Organization page. (Configure icon Configure-icon.png > Organization)

Click the Edit icon Edit-icon.png next to Organization Name. Enter your organization's new name, then click Save.


Ask the Greenhouse Technical Support team to change your login emails

As you work to change email addresses, you can open a ticket with to inform them of the rebrand and email changes. The Greenhouse Recruiting Support team will generate a CSV template that your organization can fill-in with the appropriate information.

Once completed, return the CSV to our Technical Support team, who will use this document to map your existing users to their new login emails.

Update your organization's communication copy

Comb through any communications where you use your organization’s name (where the {{COMPANY}} token is not used). This may include Social Media Templates, Email Templates, job post descriptions, and referral program descriptions.

Update your job board

If your rebrand also includes a new website, make sure to have your developers check out the Job Board Integration options and Dev Center. This will help provide the necessary documentation to QA your new careers page.

Add your new email domain

From the Configure > Email Settings page, input your new domain. From that page, you can email your IT team with all the information they need to verify it through Greenhouse. This helps to prevent emails sent to candidates and coworkers from going to Spam.