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Product tier: Available for Expert subscription tier

Focus attributes for candidate roundup are an additional layer to scorecard attributes that provide the hiring team with guidance during the candidate roundup process. When using this feature, the hiring team will identify which focus attributes from the entire interview process should be covered specifically in the post-interview team sync. 

For more information on why focus attributes are important, see our article on structured decision making

Enable focus attributes for candidate roundup

To enable focus attributes for candidate roundup, select the Configure icon Icon_-_Configure__redesign_.png on your navigation bar, then click Inclusion Tools.


Scroll to the Candidate Roundup section and enable the scorecard attributes during candidate roundup. 


Note: While interviewers will see focus attributes (i.e. attributes they should focus on), they will not know which are focus attributes for candidate roundup.

Edit focus attributes for candidate roundup 

Focus attributes for candidate roundup can be edited when creating the candidate scorecard for a new job or for existing jobs.

To start, navigate to an existing job's candidate scorecard (Jobs > Job Name > Job Setup > Scorecard) and click Edit.


Select the checkbox for each focus attribute you would like to cover during the candidate roundup. 


When you're finished, click Save.

Note: You can also remove, rename, or add attributes while editing.

View focus attributes during candidate roundup

During the candidate roundup, your hiring team can view the summarized scorecards on the Scorecards tab of the candidate's profile.

All attributes marked as focus during candidate roundup will be grouped in their own section.
