Provisioning Greenhouse Recruiting user accounts automatically with SSO

Greenhouse Recruiting user accounts are not automatically created when an account is created in your SSO provider. However, after creating this account within your SSO provider, one of the following methods can be used to create a user account in Greenhouse Recruiting.

To learn more about using SSO with Greenhouse Recruiting, click here.

Method 1: Automatic provisioning when a user logs in

Any user at your organization launches Greenhouse Recruiting from their SSO dashboard and and be automatically provisioned with Basic user permissions, which can then be updated by an admin. 

Method 2: Administrator manually creates accounts

An admin creates a user account for this employee within Greenhouse.

Note: This process is typically completed during Greenhouse implementation phase your organization is configuring users and their specific permissions (such as Job and Site Admins).

Once a user account has been created, the user must login via your SSO provider with the email address associated with that Greenhouse Recruiting user account.

If the user tries to log in using SSO with an email account that wasn't created by an administrator, a Basic user account will automatically be created like in method 1 above.