Once custom options sync is enabled for your Greenhouse Recruiting field using an HRIS platform RaaS or web services call, you can test if the custom options sync is succeeding.

Test a custom options sync

To test an HRIS platform custom options sync, navigate to Configure > Custom Options > then select the category of the field you've synced, such as Candidates, Jobs, or Offers.

The company custom fields page is shown in Greenhouse Recruiting

Click the Edit icon beside the field.

Scroll to the Options section.

When a custom field in Greenhouse Recruiting is designated as an HRIS platform sync field, it's no longer editable inside Greenhouse Recruiting. Instead, successfully synced HRIS platform fields will appear as a bulleted list of options pulled from your HRIS platform, with no ability to edit them:

An example successful custom options sync is shown in Greenhouse Recruiting

If your custom options are uneditable, it means the custom options sync is working.

If your custom options are editable, it means the custom options sync isn't working.

Troubleshoot a custom options sync

What if my custom options haven't synced?

If the options are still editable in Greenhouse Recruiting, it means your custom options sync didn't succeed.

As a first step, we recommend checking your HRIS platform RaaS report or web service call credentials. Navigate to Configure > Dev Center > Workday®️ Administration > Enter credentials to access Workday®️ Tenants or reports.

If you see "(failing)" next to your credentials, it means we received an unauthorized error when we tried to use the credentials to access the report or services call.

Check in your HRIS platform to make sure that the credentials are correct. Update them as needed in Greenhouse Recruiting. Once the credentials have been updated, try checking the field options again.

If you continue to experience issues, reach out to Greenhouse Technical Support.

Note: Greenhouse Recruiting is not sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with Workday®️.