Interview limits help prevent over-scheduling by defining the maximum number of interviews a user can be added to in a set period.
Using interview limits during scheduling can help your team distribute interviews more evenly, make informed choices when choosing from a group of interviewers, and reduce interviewer burnout while improving the hiring team's experience.
Set interview limits
Interview limits are set on a user's profile. (Configure > Users > choose a user from the list)
Scroll down to the Interview settings section and choose options from the dropdown menu.
Click Save permissions at the bottom of the page.
Set interviewer limits in bulk
Interview limits can be set for multiple users at once by using a bulk action on the Users page. Setting limits this way will overwrite any existing interview limits for the selected users with the new value.
Interview limits during scheduling
When scheduling an interviewer, the user's progress toward their limit will be displayed in the search window.
Note: Users can still be scheduled when they're over their interviewer limit. The following interviews will not count toward interviewer limits:
- Booking links for interviews
- Take home tests
- Special projects