HRIS Link for UKG Ready is currently in beta.
HRIS Link for UKG Ready is available as an add-on for all GHR customers. Contact your Account Manager to learn more.
The HRIS Link for UKG Ready integration gives you the ability to connect your Greenhouse account to UKG Ready.
Enable the integration
On a Greenhouse Admin account, navigate to the Integrations tab and use the search bar to find the "HRIS Link - UKG Ready" integration.
Click into that integration and choose Configure to allow the connection between Greenhouse and UKG Ready.
Note: This feature must also be enabled by Greenhouse before continuing.
If you haven’t already, reach out to your Customer Support Manager or Account Manager.
Open the HRIS Link for UKG Ready setup page
The setup for this integration can be completed in Greenhouse Recruiting under Configure > Dev Center > HRIS Link for UKG Ready.
Before completing the next sections, open this page in another browser window and keep it open, as you'll need to enter different values during each section.
Create service account in UKG Ready
Log into UKG Ready as a UKG Ready system administrator.
Click the hamburger ☰ button on the top left.
Click the Settings menu option, then click Profiles/Policies to expand the menu.
Click Security.
The user-provided credential’s security profile should have full access to ensure no integration issues.
Find UKG Ready details in UKG
To fill out this section in the integration, you'll need to locate your Subdomain, UKG Ready API Key, Employee ID, Company Short Name.
Log into UKG Pro as a UKG Pro system administrator.
Click the hamburger ☰ button on the top left.
Click the Settings menu option, then click Global Setup to expand the menu.
Click Company Setup.
This page will have your Subdomain. This value is contained in your domain's URL login. For example, if your login service URL is listed as
, then your Subdomain is
Your UKG Ready API Key can be found in the API Keys menu option.
Employee ID will be defined by you. New employees will begin with this value and increment by 1.
Company Short Name is found in the Company Info menu option. Scroll down to Company Address to find it.
Select integration user and email in Greenhouse
For the final step of this integration, select the Greenhouse user who will be attributed to all the API calls for audit purposes.
Then, enter the email address to receive success and error notifications.
Finish setup
After all of those steps are completed, click Connect at the bottom of the "HRIS Link for UKG Ready" page in Greenhouse to finish the setup and finalize the integration.
Using the integration
Candidate export
When you create an offer in Greenhouse Recruiting, you’ll have the option to send the new hire’s information to UKG Ready. When the candidate is marked as hired, the following information will be sent to UKG:
- Address
- Country
- Zip_code
- Email_address
- Phone_number
- First_name
- Last_name
- start_date
- Hourly_pay
- Hourly_pay_currency
- Salary_currency
- Salary_amount
- Employee_id (For existing employees that are transferring to another role)
- Cost_center
- Hire_date
- Hire_type
- Employee_type
- pay_type
- Pay_grade
- Manager_employee_id
- Division_id
- Department_id
- Location_id
- Username
- Candidate_id
User sync
After configuring the integration, you'll receive an email containing a .csv of the user changes that would occur when the user import is enabled. Inspect this file carefully to ensure that no critical data is unintentionally lost as part of the initial sync.
If the values in the update look correct and acceptable for the import, click the link in the email to begin the user import process.
Setting up user sync allows your organization to automatically create a user account in Greenhouse Recruiting when an employee has an account in UKG Ready. All valid UKG Ready users will be included in this sync and will be sent with the following information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Work Email address
- Employee ID