Permissions: Job Admin and above

Product tier: Available to all subscription tiers

HRIS Link for UKG Pro is currently in beta and may not be available for your organization.

The HRIS Link for UKG Pro integration gives you the ability to connect your Greenhouse account to both UKG Core and UKG Onboarding using the same integration.

Enable the HRIS Link for UKG Pro integration

UKG Pro Core credentials

Log into UKG Pro as a UKG Pro system administrator.

Click the system configuration icon (the cog).

Click Security to expand the menu, then click Service account administration.

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 10.29.54 AM.png
In the top right corner, click Add.

Provide a username and an email address for the new account. Tthe password will be auto-generated after you click save.

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 10.37.34 AM.png

Below these username and email fields, you'll see a table of granular permission settings.

Within the Web Service section, make sure you have these 4 enabled for this integration:

  • Employee Person: View
  • Employee Process Hire: Add, View, Edit
  • Company Configuration Integration: View
  • Personnel Integration: View

Click Save in the top right corner.

A window will appear with your auto-generated password. Save this password value. You will not be able to retrieve it later, you'd have to generate a new one.

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 10.34.18 AM.png

Now back in Greenhouse Recruiting, input the following in the UKG Pro Core credentials sections:

  • Username: the username you supplied when creating the service account
  • Password: the auto-generated password presented to you after you saved the service account

UKG Pro Core details

To fill out this section in the integration, you'll need to locate your API URL, Customer API Key, and User API key within UKG:

Log into UKG Pro as a UKG Pro system administrator.

Click the system configuration icon (the cog).

Click Security to expand the menu, then click Web Services.

This page will have your login service endpoint. The endpoint value is contained at the end of the URL. For example, if your login service endpoint is listed as, then your API URL is

At the top of this page, your Customer API key and User API Key will also be listed.


Copy each of these (API URL, Customer API Key and User API Key) and paste them into the appropriate sections in Greenhouse Recruiting under the UKG Pro Core details section.

UKG Pro Onboarding details

To fill out this section in the integration, you'll need to locate your Onboarding URL and Tenant alias.

Log into UKG Pro as a UKG Pro system administrator.

Click on the My Team icon, then choose Onboarding to expand the menu. Then click Onboarding Gateway.


You'll be redirected to your UKG Onboarding page. The URL of this page will look something like this:

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 11.02.27 AM.png

For your Onboarding URL, simply copy the website. For example, the Onboarding URL would be
For your Tenant alias, this is the component of the URL that follows the domain. For example, the tenant alias would be USG1008IT157S

Greenhouse credentials

For the last two steps of this integration, in Greenhouse Recruiting, select a User that will be attributed to all API calls for this integration. This must be a Site Admin.

Then, enter an Email address for the person who should receive success and error notifications.

Using the integration

Candidate export

When you create an offer in Greenhouse Recruiting, you’ll have the option to send the new hire’s information to UKG Pro Onboarding. When the candidate is marked as hired, the following information will be sent to UKG:

  • Legal name
  • Email address
  • Start date
  • Job code
  • Component company
  • Job title
  • Work Location
  • Phone number
  • Requisition ID
  • Onboarding owner
  • User sync

User sync

Setting up user sync allows your organization to automatically create a user account in Greenhouse Recruiting when an employee at your organization has an account in UKG Pro Core. All valid UKG Pro Core users will be included in this sync and will be sent with the following information:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Employee ID