Permissions: All Site Admins and Job Admin who can manage unattached prospects

Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

A prospect is considered unattached if they have been added to the system without being assigned a specific job. To manage unattached prospects, a user needs to be a Site Admin or a Job Admin with the additional user-specific permission Can manage unattached prospects.

Assign 'Can manage unattached prospects' permission

A Job Admin needs to have the user-specific permission Can manage unattached prospects. This permission allows Job Admin to add prospects to jobs and convert the unattached prospects into candidates.

To assign this user-specific permission to a person, click the Configure icon Configure icon on your navigation bar, then click Users on the left.

Screenshot of Configure > Users

Select a user with the Job Admin level permission.

Screenshot of Configure > Users > single user selected

Scroll down the user's page to the permissions box and add a check in the box next to 'Can manage unattached prospects.' From the dropdown menu, select the role that you'll assign the user.

When finished, click Save.

Assign 'Can manage unattached prospects' permission in bulk

To assign the 'Can manage unattached prospects' permission to a group of users with the same permission level, click on the Configure icon Configure icon on your navigation bar, then click Users on the left.

Screenshot of Configure > Users

Filter the users list by a specific permission level type. You can also apply any additional filters to narrow down your list.

Screenshot of filter the Users page

When you've finished narrowing down your list, click Bulk actions > Select all > Edited selected.

Screenshot of bulk edit permissions on users

Click Edit user-specific permissions.

Screenshot of bulk edit 'can manage unattached prospects' permission

Select Turn all on in the same row as the permission 'Can manage unattached prospects.'

When finished, click Save permissions.

Screenshot of turn all 'can manage unattached prospects' permission on

Filter for unattached prospects

To filter for unattached prospects, click the Candidates tab on your navigation bar.

Screenshot of Candidates tab

Expand the Application type filter on the left and click Prospects only from the Type dropdown and add a check in the box next to Prospects on no jobs.

Screenshot of filtering the Candidates tab for unattached prospects

All unattached prospects will populate.