Request candidate availability with Google Calendar

Permissions: Job Admin and above

Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

The request candidate availability feature simplifies the scheduling process and reduces the need to navigate between multiple calendars when coordinating interviews.

Send a candidate availability request

You can only request a candidate's availability after that candidate has progressed to a stage with a scheduled interview component, for instance, the preliminary phone screen, phone interview, or face to face stages.

Note: You can only request availability on a candidate's current stage, not future ones.

To request a candidate's availability, open the Stages tab on their candidate profile and choose Request Availability under the list of tasks.

Finisht the steps on the pop-up window to write the email and suggest any potential times for the candidate. The body of the email will be drawn directly from your Candidate Availability Request Message template.

When you're ready, click Send email.

Tip: Organizations with Advanced or Expert subscription tiers can automate this process with candidate availability request rules.

Suggest interview times for a candidate

Suggesting interview times for the candidate allows you to send potential interview slots to candidates based on your interviewers' schedules. By providing these suggestions, you can more easily find a convenient interview time for the candidate and your team. 

Click and drag a spot on the calendar to mark it as a suggested time to the candidate. If you want to see a specific interviewer's linked calendar to find open spots, select it from the Show calendar dropdown menu.

Note: To see a colleague's calendar, you need to have the Google Calendar permission 'Make changes to events' on their calendar. Learn more.

Calendars for interviewers can only be viewed one at a time.

If you need to remove a selection, click X in the upper-right of the box to delete it.

Use the navigation arrows at the top-right to view different weeks on the interviewer's calendar.

Candidate response to a request

A candidate availability request email includes a link to allow the candidate to see your message and suggested times, and input their availability.

The suggested times you selected will be indicated on the calendar. The candidate can use click-and-drag to indicate when they are free for an interview.

After the candidate sends their availability, the person who initially sent the candidate availability request will be notified via email that it's time to schedule the interview.

Navigate to the candidate's profile to review your suggested times and those submitted by the candidate. Compare the availabilities to find the most convenient time.

When ready, click Schedule Interview.