Candidate quality by recruiter report

Permissions: Job Admin and above

Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

The candidate quality by recruiter report assigns each recruiter a quality percent, which is calculated by looking at the average distance candidates' applications travel through your organization's interview pipelines. This percentage can be used to understand which recruiters are most successful in moving applications through your pipeline and turning them into new hires.

The quality percent on this report is calculated by looking at the average distance an application travels through the pipeline. If every candidate was hired, the ad campaign would have produced 100% candidate quality. If every candidate was rejected in the first stage, the quality would be 0%.

Example – Imagine one of your recruiters is only responsible for one candidate, an iOS developer named Henry. Henry has a pretty strong background, so they make it through 5 of your 7 stages. Since they're the only person assigned to your recruiter, your quality percent for that row would be 5/7, or roughly 71%.

Candidate quality by recruiter report

To create a candidate quality by recruiter report, click Reports on your navigation bar.

Screenshot of the Reports button

Click Essential reports on the left.

Screenshot of the Essential Reports button

Scroll to the Learn from Past Recruiting Efforts section and click Candidate Quality by Recruiter.

Screenshot of the Candidate quality by recruiter report button

The candidate quality by recruiter report will generate.

Note: This report will display recruiters on jobs where you have the appropriate access.

Screenshot of an example candidate quality by recruiter report

The candidate quality by recruiter report displays information for the following:

  • Recruiter name
  • Total applications in each stage
  • Total hires
  • Quality percentage

Note: The recruiter metric in the candidate quality by recruiter report refers to the person who's set as the recruiter on each particular application under their Details tab, which may be different from the recruiter set on the job's Job Setup > Hiring Team.

Candidate quality by recruiter report filters

Click Filters and more to apply filters to further refine your report.

Screenshot of Filters and more on a candidate quality by recruiter report

The candidate quality by recruiter report can be filtered by the following:

  • Job
  • Job status
  • Department
  • Office
  • User
  • Hiring team role
  • Custom job field
  • Date applied
  • Include migrated candidates

Note: By default, the date applied field for the report is set to the current year.

You can organize columns by stage or milestone.

Click Apply after applying any filters to your report.