The last thing you need is another calendar to keep updated. That's why we help you schedule candidates and interviews directly on your own calendar. We'll help you invite interviewers, include an interview kit, and automatically update our system whenever you make changes.

Why it's great

  • It's easy to see who needs to be scheduled!
  • Your meeting invites automatically contain an interview kit, complete with the candidate's resume, interview instructions, a scorecard, etc.
  • We'll notify your team about upcoming interviews and remind them to turn in feedback afterwards.
  • Our system works with every digital calendar there is. Yes, even that one.

How it works

  • Select a candidate in Greenhouse Recruiting who needs to be scheduled for an interview
  • Click on schedule, choose your preferred calendar, and hit submit.
  • We'll pop open the meeting invite in your own calendar — complete with interview kit, and pre-populated with any details you've filled out.
  • In your own calendar, you can select your interviewer(s), check everyone's availability, select the best date and time, and send out invites.
  • We'll notify your team about their upcoming interviews and afterwards, we'll remind them to turn in feedback.
  • Need to make changes? Make edits in your own calendar, and Greenhouse will automatically stay updated.


  • Be sure to include your organization's Greenhouse scheduling email address as a guest on each event — it's how we stay updated (this is especially important in Outlook for Mac, because this calendar removes the scheduling email address when we try to include it for you).
  • You must include the link to the interview kit in the body of your invite. We automatically include this link when scheduling a meeting, so just be sure you don't delete it.
  • The email address you use for your calendar must be the same email address you're using for Greenhouse Recruiting. If you aren't sure, or need to add a second email address to Greenhouse, open up My Info.
  • Whenever your calendar asks whether you want to notify all participants of changes, be sure to say "yes."
  • Be patient, grasshopper. Sometimes it takes a few minutes for our system to update with your changes.