Create a new offer and re-trigger offer approval

Permissions: Site Admin who can see private notes and salary info, manage offers, request approval, and approve jobs/offers, and Job Admin who can view and edit offers and approve/request approval on offers

Product tier: Available for Advanced and Expert subscription tiers.

Editing specified fields in a created offer creates a new offer version and restarts the offer approval process for the job.

In this article, we will provide an overview of how to create a new offer version, which fields create a new offer version, and the implications of editing these unique fields.

Edit existing offer to create new offer version

Note: Creating a new offer version and re-triggering the offer approval process voids the original offer and any associated approvals already issued.

To edit an existing offer, navigate to a candidate's profile who already has an offer created (which may or may not be in the process of an offer approval) and go to the Offer stage.

Scroll down to the bottom of the offer details and click Update.

Update the offer fields on the pop-up window. Updating a field with the Refresh Screen_Shot_2019-11-13_at_12.53.48_PM.png icon will create a new offer version.

Note: Editing fields without the Screen_Shot_2019-11-13_at_12.53.48_PM.png icon won't create a new offer version or re-trigger the offer approval process.

Click Save when finished.

Request approval for new offer version 

To request approval and re-trigger the offer approval process for the new offer version, click Request Approval. 

Users configured as offer approvers for the job are notified via email that their approval is required for the new offer version.

General considerations

  • It's not possible to remove older offer versions without removing the newest offer version first. 
  • To remove an existing offer version, click Delete at the bottom of the Offer details section