Review your Greenhouse Recruiting configuration

Being a new Site Admin in Greenhouse Recruiting often means you're balancing organizational responsibilities around your talent pipeline with optimizing Greenhouse Recruiting's large set of features and tools:

  • You inherited the configuration from a previous admin and are trying to figure out the current setup.
  • You've been using Greenhouse Recruiting for a while, and feel like the current setup might not be optimized to meet your organization's needs.
  • You're a seasoned recruiting professional who is new to Greenhouse Recruiting, and know what you want to do, but need to know where to do it.

In cases like these, it's beneficial to pause and audit your existing configuration to understand the current setup. Then, you can update or tweak any settings to make sure you're benefitting from Greenhouse Recruiting.

The guide linked below walks you through the most impactful parts of your Greenhouse Recruiting configuration. The included information, context, and best practices help you decide the best setup for your organization.

Download the guide