Allowlist IP addresses for Business Intelligence Connector

Permissions: Basic user and above with the user-specific permission manage and configure BIC

Product tier: Available for Expert subscription tier

Once Business Intelligence Connector is enabled for your organization, allowlist the IP addresses that require access to your organization's Business Intelligence Connector data. Allowlisting by IP address helps improve your organization's data security by only allowing access to those who need it.

Allowlist IP addresses for Business Intelligence Connector

To allowlist IP addresses, click the Configure Configure icon icon on your navigation bar, then click Dev Center on the left.

Click Business Intelligence Connector.

Screnshot of Configure > Dev Center > Business Intelligence Connector button

Click Configure beside your preferred ETL method.

Screenshot of Configure Redshift settings button

Scroll to the Add IP addresses into allowlist section, and enter the IP addresses you wish to allowlist.

Screenshot of Add IP addresses into allowlist field

Separate multiple IP addresses by line.

Ensure your allowlist includes public IP addresses like those belonging to laptops and not private IP addresses like those belonging to modems or routers. For larger organizations, allowlist external access points and not local or internal repositories.

You can allowlist IP addresses by range.

Note: You must enter IP addresses in IPv4 format. Only public IP addresses can be allowlisted. If you enter a private IP address, you'll receive an error.

Tip: Check out a subnet calculator to verify valid IP ranges.

When finished, click Save.

Troubleshoot allowlist errors

If you receive an error when attempting to allowlist an IP address for Business Intelligence Connector, check out the following possible solutions:

  1. Ensure the IP address you're attempting to allowlist is a public IP address. Private IP addresses, like those belonging to modems, can't be allowlisted.
  2. Ensure the IP address you're entering is in IPv4 format. IPv6 addresses result in an error.
  3. Double-check that you allowlist a valid IP range. You can use tools like subnet calculators to verify your range is valid and doesn't include too many addresses.
  4. If you're still receiving an error, reach out to Greenhouse Technical Support.